16 Feb 2014
Is It Worth Buying a Rice Cooker?
I hear many a time from various people that they are unsure whether or not a rice cooker is worth the money and effort. Therefore this article is to help people understand rice cookers and what they are capable of and have to offer you. What you will find in this Article: >>Main Reason behind
14 Feb 2014
Choosing the Type of Rice Cooker
As technology advances more types of rice cookers become available and with the advanced technology, extra features and bonuses develop from the previous in order to make cooking rice better. The types of rice cooker available are: >>Conventional Rice Cookers >>Micom Rice Cookers >>Induction Heating Rice Cookers >>Pressure Cooking Rice Cooker Now let’s dive into
26 Jul 2013
Microwave Rice Cooker – Fast & Affordable
What you will find in this article: >>Introduction >>How to Cook Rice in a Microwave Rice Cooker (with video) >>Pros & Cons of Microwave Rice Cookers >>Where Can I Purchase a Microwave Rice Cooker? Introduction When it comes to cooking rice many of us are familiar with stove cooking and the electrical rice cooker appliances.